Running Wget in scala build.sbt -
i have requirement need download bunch of jars url , place them inside lib directory , add them unmanaged dependancy.
i kind of stuck on how in build.sbt
. went on sbt documentation , found processbuilder. in mind, came below code.
for(i <- jarurls) { val wget = s"wget -p $libdir $anonuser@$hgrooturl/$i" wget ! }
this runs wget
on bunch of jars , places file in mentioned folder. pretty simple code, unable run this. error "expression of type unit
must confirm dslentry
in sbt file".
how accomplish this?
isn't scala
file, sbt special preprocessing on (that's why don't have def project =
your problem happens because every line of code (except imports , definitions) in build.sbt must return expression of type dslentry
sbt sees every line of code setting. when want wget executed? usual way define task
lazy val wget = taskkey[unit]("wget") wget := { for(i <- list(1,2,3)) { val wget = s"wget -p $libdir $anonuser@$hgrooturl/$i" wget ! } () }
and run sbt wget
you can make wget
task dependent on other task (or can think of them events) in sbt.
of course, there tricky unsafe ways, like:
val init: unit = { //any code want here }
but wouldn't recommend since want files during let's compile
stage or something:
wget := { code here } dependson compile
you can use regular scala build instead of build.sbt
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