Export Adf table into Pdf in JDeveloper and ADF -

i using jdeveloper trying export adf table pdf. when user clicks button, table download pdf file.

i have been following waslley souza blog few modifications.

the page contains table button follows:

<af:commandbutton text="export pdf" id="cb3" inlinestyle="border-width:inherit;">      <af:filedownloadactionlistener filename="emp.pdf"       method="#{samplebean.exportallrowstopdf}"       contenttype="application/pdf"/>  

i have added jar files, yet getting following error in log:

<org.apache.fop.fo.fotreebuilder> <fotreebuilder> <fatalerror> <org.xml.sax.saxparseexception; linenumber: 0; columnnumber: 0; document empty (something might wrong xslt stylesheet).> (location of error unknown)org.apache.fop.fo.validationexception: document empty (something might wrong xslt stylesheet). 

when run application page displays, click button , error listed above produced. highly prized.


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