java - Persist RxJava calls between activities using Dagger2 -

i have behaviorrelay object in executionstream class handles network calls. please refer executionstream class.

i can call requesttrackingandexecution() method activity. have implemented dagger2 dependency such can inject executionstream instance in activity.

my dagger2 configuration:

@perapplication @provides public executionstream provideexecutionstream(pmsapi pmsapi) {     return new executionstream(pmsapi); } 

@perapplication annotation

@scope @retention(runtime) public @interface perapplication { } 

what need do: want call requesttrackingandexecution() method activity , subscribe emitted data in activity b.

currently, suubscriber in activity b not getting data emitted activity a<--- see here

i have injected executionstream class in both activities @inject executionstream executionstream;

for emitting observable, calling internshipandtrackingrelay.accept(data); in requesttrackingandexecution() method after getting data network call.

code subscribing relay:

executionstream.internshipandtracking()                     .subscribe(                             new consumer<executionstream.internshipandtrackingcontainer>() {                                 @override                                 public void accept(responsedata data){                                       //do stuff responsedata                                 }                             }); 

my executionstream class:

public class executionstream {  @nonnull private pmsapi pmsapi; @nonnull private final behaviorrelay<internexecutioncontainer> internexecutionrelay = behaviorrelay.create(); @nonnull private final behaviorrelay<internshipandtrackingcontainer> internshipandtrackingrelay = behaviorrelay.create();  public executionstream(@nonnull pmsapi pmsapi) {     this.pmsapi = pmsapi; }  @nonnull public observable<internshipandtrackingcontainer> internshipandtracking() {     return internshipandtrackingrelay.hide(); }  public void requesttrackingandexecution(string internshipexecutionid, string internexecutionid) {                    // network call                    // response                    internshipandtrackingrelay.accept(new internshipandtrackingcontainer(responsedata));                      }                 });     }  /**  * function returns combined response of both apis  * returns when both apis finished calling  * @return observable response  */ private bifunction<         internshipexecutionresponse,         trackingdataresponse,         trackingandexecution> getmergingbifuntionfortrackingandexecution() {     return new bifunction<internshipexecutionresponse, trackingdataresponse, trackingandexecution>() {         @override         public trackingandexecution apply(@io.reactivex.annotations.nonnull internshipexecutionresponse internshipexecutionresponse, @io.reactivex.annotations.nonnull trackingdataresponse trackingdataresponse) throws exception {             return new trackingandexecution(internshipexecutionresponse,trackingdataresponse);         }     }; }  public class internshipandtrackingcontainer {      public boolean iserror;     public boolean isempty;     public trackingandexecution trackingandexecution;      public internshipandtrackingcontainer() {         this.iserror = true;         this.trackingandexecution = null;         this.isempty = false;     }      public internshipandtrackingcontainer(trackingandexecution trackingandexecution) {         this.trackingandexecution = trackingandexecution;         this.iserror = false;         this.isempty = false;     }      public internshipandtrackingcontainer(boolean isempty) {         this.trackingandexecution = null;         this.iserror = false;         this.isempty = isempty;     } } } 

finally found solution.

i reinitializing applicationmodule again , again.

changed this:

public applicationcomponent getcomponent() {     applicationcomponent component = daggerapplicationcomponent.builder()                 .networkmodule(new networkmodule())                 .applicationmodule(new applicationmodule(this))                 .build();      return component; } 

to this:

public synchronized applicationcomponent getcomponent() {         if(component == null) {             component = daggerapplicationcomponent.builder()                     .networkmodule(new networkmodule())                     .applicationmodule(new applicationmodule(this))                     .build();         }         return component;     } 


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