javascript - pause youtube video and show div with a form -

i have youtube video on website:

<div id="video">    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>   </div>

after fixed time, want pause , ask user question overlaying form on video:

<h1>how video far? </h1>  <div id="question">    <form>       <input type="radio" name="question" value="poor" checked>poor<br>       <input type="radio" name="question" value="good">good<br>       <input type="submit" value="submit">     </form>  </div>

what javascript code pause video after fixed period of time , css displaying form nicely? want mimic way lectures on once looked like.

tyr this:


 <div id="video">           <iframe id="iframe" width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen ></iframe>          </div>     <div id="message">         <h1>how video far? </h1>         <div id="question">           <form>              <input type="radio" name="question" value="poor" checked>poor<br>              <input type="radio" name="question" value="good">good<br>              <input type="submit" value="submit">            </form>         </div>     <div> 


<script>   $(document).ready(function(){         // hiding message on load         $("#message").hide();          // time out function         settimeout(function(){         var youriframe = ('iframe#iframe');         var src = $('#iframe').attr('src');                $('#iframe').attr('src', '').attr('src', src);//pause youtube video         $("#message").show(); // show message          }, 5000);   });  </script> 


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