rest - How to mock Spring WebClient in Unit Test -

we wrote small spring boot rest application, performs rest request on rest endpoint.

@requestmapping("/api/v1") @springbootapplication @restcontroller @slf4j public class application {     @autowired     private webclient webclient;      @requestmapping(value = "/zyx", method = post)     @responsebody     xyzapiresponse zyx(@requestbody xyzapirequest request, @requestheader httpheaders headers)     {             .uri("/api/v1/someapi")             .accept(mediatype.application_json)             .contenttype(mediatype.application_json)             .body(bodyinserters.fromobject(request.getdata()))             .exchange()             .subscribeon(schedulers.elastic())             .flatmap(response ->                     response.bodytomono(xyzserviceresponse.class).map(r ->                     {                         if (r != null)                         {                             r.setstatus(response.statuscode().value());                         }                          if (!response.statuscode().is2xxsuccessful())                         {                             throw new processresponseexception(                                     "bad status response code " + response.statuscode() + "!");                         }                          return r;                     }))             .subscribe(body ->             {                 // various things             }, throwable ->             {                 // section handles request errors             });          return xyzapiresponse.ok;     } } 

we new spring , having trouble writing unit test small code snippet.

is there elegant (reactive) way mock webclient or start mock server webclient can use endpoint?

i think build-in spring support still under way -

i wiremock (integration-)test such scenarios. because test whole serialization , deserialization this. wiremock start server serves requests using predefined stubs.


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