sorting - It is possible to sort by "valid" percentage in my data? -

using tableau, have arranged data in 100.00% stacked bar:

enter image description here

i want sort data descending (largest smallest) valid component type (green) - possbile?

update (26th july 2017)

merawalaid's answer worked; followed steps, adjusted code match specific project, , resulted in this:

enter image description here

as can see, sorted, not quite should (for example, fourth , sixth rows featured high in chart.

is there might wrong have missed here?

i able this: you can download workbook here. advised though, feel there simpler way out there this.

what did create 2 calculated fields.

'validcomponentcount': if ([component type]='valid component') 1 else 0 end  '% of valid': {fixed [rootname] : sum([validcount])/count([number of records])} 

then sorted 'rootname' column based on descending value of 2nd calculated field (% of valid). here looks mock data


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