xslt 2.0 - How to implement saxon OutputURIResolver in Java? -

i new java. have similar scenario [catch output stream of xsl result-document not understanding pass href , base parameter..

my xslt (result-document) follows:

<xsl:template match="/" mode="create-text-file">         <xsl:param name="book-name" tunnel="yes"/>          <xsl:result-document href="{$book-name}.xml"             doctype-public=" test"             doctype-system="test.dtd">             <xsl:apply-templates/>         </xsl:result-document>     </xsl:template> 


<xsl:result-document href="{$book-name}.opf"                              doctype-public=""                              doctype-system=""                              indent="yes">              <xsl:apply-templates mode="#current"/>         </xsl:result-document> 

parameter book-name getting :

<xsl:template match="document-node()">         <xsl:variable name="book-name" select="tps:get-file-name(document-uri(/))"/> 

can please explain me result-documents?

thanks in advance.

outputuriresolver callback: means supply implementation of resolve() method, , saxon calls implementation. don't need worry pass base , href arguments, because don't call method, saxon does. typically supply href argument (expanded) value of href attribute of call xsl:result-document, , base value "base output uri", defaults file nominated principal output of transformation (-o option on command line).


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