c# - unable to populate data of table inside ContentPlaceHolder in aspx page -

i trying populate data of table inside contentplaceholder, not populating. earlier tried same code in aspx page body tag , populating there.here cant place body tag in contentplaceholder.here sending request web api data , getting data in json format. not sure,but feel going bad contentplaceholder.

<%@ page title="" language="c#" masterpagefile="~/rlcs_connect/tlconnect_new.master" autoeventwireup="true" codebehind="shownooflocations.aspx.cs" inherits="tlconnect_staffing.rlcs_connect.shownooflocations" %> <asp:content id="content1" contentplaceholderid="head" runat="server">  </asp:content> <asp:content id="content2" contentplaceholderid="contentplaceholder1" runat="server">      <div>           <h2><b>location table:</b></h2>           <table id="location" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3" border="2" width="600px">               <tr>                   <td style="background-color: gray; color: white">cl_stateid</td>                   <td style="background-color: gray; color: white">sm_name</td>                   <td style="background-color: gray; color: white">cl_cityid</td>                   <td style="background-color: gray; color:white">lm_name</td>                   <td style="background-color: gray; color:white">cl_branchname</td>                   <td style="background-color: gray; color:white">cl_branchaddress</td>                  <td style="background-color: gray; color:white">cl_officetype</td>                  <td style="background-color: gray; color:white">cl_establishmenttype</td>              </tr>           </table>       </div>       <asp:hiddenfield id="hfclientid" runat="server" />      <script src="scripts/jquery-3.1.1.min.js"></script>     <script type="text/javascript">         var uri = 'http://localhost:62983/api/clientdetail/nooflocations';         $(document).ready(function () {             var id = $('#hfclientid').val();             $.getjson(uri + '/' + id)             .done(function (data) {                 $.each(data, function (key, item) {                     $('#location').append("<tr><td>" + item.cl_stateid + "</td>" +                         "<td>" + item.sm_name + "</td>" + "<td>" + item.cl_cityid + "</td>" +                         "<td>" + item.lm_name + "</td>" + "<td>" + item.cl_branchname +                         "<td>" + item.cl_branchaddress + "<td>" + item.cl_officetype + "</td>" + "<td>" + item.cl_establishmenttype + "</td></tr>");                 });             });         });      </script>   </asp:content> <asp:content id="content3" contentplaceholderid="contentplaceholder2" runat="server"> </asp:content> 
