IBM Watson Slots won't accept 0 -

i'm trying out slots feature in ibm watson conversations , have hit issue i'm not sure how work around.

i have use case collecting number of pieces of information user using slots feature makes sense. unfortunately when add slot @sys-number system not accept 0 valid input. slot in fact required 0 valid value.

anyone have idea of how have required slot of type @sys-number accepts 0 value?

the condition @sys-number in fact short hand syntax condition entities['sys-number'].value. when 0 sent condition evaluated false 0 treated false expression language evaluator in watson conversation service. not desired behavior in case. prevent happening 1 can use entities['sys-number'] in condition return true every time @sys-number entity recognized in input.

when using in slot 1 might want edit gets stored in context variable changing condition change stored in variable. can done json editor - click configure slot gear next slot specification , in window opens click 3 dots, open json editor , there change gets stored inside context variable gets updated slot.

here link system entity section in watson conversation service documentation.


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