ios - Using 3rd party framework (Alamofire) in my sub-project (CocoaTouch framework) -

i using xcode 8 + swift 3.

i created fresh ios project named "myapp".

then, create cocoa touch framework project, named "mysubproject". (the idea have myapp project accessing mysubproject code.)

i added mysubproject myapp project, linked mysubproject framework.

in xcode project navigator looks this:

myapp   > mysubproject.xcodeproj 

everything works fine. code in myapp can access code in mysubproject.

now, need add alamofire mysubproject. followed instruction in alamofire offical website manually add alamofire mysubproject, project structure looks this:

myapp   > mysubproject.xcodeproj      > alamofire.xcodeproj 

so, mysubproject has dependency on alamofire framework. looke under mysubproject target--> general :

enter image description here

after that, can access alamofire in mysubproject code, no compile error. myapp built successfully. however, when run app in emulator, got run-time error:

dyld: library not loaded: @rpath/libswiftswiftononesupport.dylib referenced from: /users/myname/library/developer/xcode/deriveddata/myapp-hezjlyvzxnavccenabxdepgftbrg/build/products/debug-iphonesimulator 

/alamofire.framework/alamofire reason: image not found

why? & how solve that?

if want use alamofire, there's better way install it. can use cocoapods intall 3rd party frameworks. so, must follow these steps:

1.- please install cocoapods gems sudo gem install cocoapods

2.- go folder terminal , type pod init, type vim podfile

3.- can see file can add 3rd party frameworks must add alamofire target , write vim :wq. example type this:

# uncomment next line define global platform project # platform :ios, '9.0'  target 'yourtarget' use_frameworks!  pod 'alamofire', '~>4.0' 

4.- must type pod install terminal , that's it. open xcworkspace generated cocoapods , type cmd + b xcode. after can import alamofire classes.


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