android - Need help to make site with webView with external link handling like "magnet" -

i have made simple app website webview. it's torrent site. post magnet link in site. want when click on magnet link torrent app bit-torrent catch address automatically. plus other external site link open in external browser chrome.

i have followed online tutorial here (stackoverflow) old , used shouldoverrideurlloading, google says method deprecated in api level 24.

here have followed google use code.(modified match site) not working. please me this.

private class mywebviewclient extends webviewclient { @override public boolean shouldoverrideurlloading(webview view, string url) {     if (uri.parse(url).gethost().equals("")) {         // web site, not override; let webview load page         return false;     }     // otherwise, link not page on site, launch activity handles urls     intent intent = new intent(intent.action_view, uri.parse(url));     startactivity(intent);     return true; } } 

this java main activity code every link in site open in webview don't want , magnet link shows snapshot.


public class mainactivity extends activity { private webview mywebview;  @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {     super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);     setcontentview(r.layout.activity_main);     mywebview = (webview) findviewbyid(;     // configure related browser settings     mywebview.getsettings().setloadsimagesautomatically(true);     mywebview.getsettings().setjavascriptenabled(true);     mywebview.setscrollbarstyle(view.scrollbars_inside_overlay);     // configure client use when opening urls     mywebview.setwebviewclient(new mybrowser());     // load initial url     mywebview.loadurl("");   }   @override public void onbackpressed() {     if(mywebview.cangoback()) {         mywebview.goback();     } else {         super.onbackpressed();     } }   private class mybrowser extends webviewclient { } } 

public boolean isappinstalled(string packagename) {     try {         activity.getpackagemanager().getapplicationinfo(                 packagename, 0);         return true;     } catch (activitynotfoundexception ex1) {         return false;     } catch (packagemanager.namenotfoundexception ex2) {         return false;     } catch (nullpointerexception ex3) {         return false;     } catch (exception ex4) {         return false;     }  }   private class mywebviewclient extends webviewclient { @override public boolean shouldoverrideurlloading(webview view, string url) {     if (url.startswith.("magnet")) {      if(isappinstalled('com.bittorrent.client')){   packagemanager pm = getapplicationcontext().getpackagemanager();  intent appstartintent =    pm.getlaunchintentforpackage('com.bittorrent.client');    getapplicationcontext().startactivity(appstartintent);     }else{     // no matching app found, toast it.      } }      return true;    } } 


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