ruby on rails - Ajax Datatables testing with rspec and capybara -

i'm trying create tests app, can't make tests pages datatables work. i'm loading records table ajax. if go browser works fine none of tests pass.

heres code.


table.table.table-striped.table-bordered.table-hover.table-checkable.order-column#dtable data-source="#{ admin_analysts_path(format: :json)}"   thead     tr       th nome       th email   tbody 

analysts_controller def index add_breadcrumb "todos analistas"

respond_to |format|   format.html   format.json { render json:} end 



class analystsdatatable   delegate :params, :h, :link_to, :number_to_currency, to: :@view    def initialize(view)     @view = view   end    def as_json(options = {})     {       draw: params[:draw].to_i,       recordstotal: analyst.count,       recordsfiltered: analysts.total_entries,       data: data     }   end  private    def data |analyst|       [         link_to(, [:admin,analyst]),         (       ]     end   end    def analysts     @analysts ||= fetch_analysts   end    def fetch_analysts     analysts = analyst.order("#{sort_column} #{sort_direction}")     analysts =     if params[:length]       analysts = analysts.per_page(params[:length])     end     if params[:search][:value].present?       analysts = analysts.where("name :search or email :search", search: "%#{params[:search][:value]}%")     end     analysts   end    def page     params[:start].to_i == 0 ? 1 : ((params[:start].to_i)/params[:length].to_i) +1   end    def sort_column     columns = %w[name email]     columns[params[:order]['0'][:column].to_i]    end    def sort_direction     params[:order]['0'][:dir] == "desc" ? "desc" : "asc"   end end 

and test configuration javascript spec_helper.rb

capybara.javascript_driver = :webkit 

and test

scenario 'check analysts', :js => true       login_as administrator, scope: :administrator      analyst1     visit admin_analysts_path      expect(page).to have_content("#{}")     expect(page).to have_content("#{}")   end 

i saw 1 answer sugested change capybara server because uri large, changed puma didn't work. tried use find method said wait till element loaded.

any suggestion valid, thanks.


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