powershell - For loop with DISM to remove unwanted applications in Windows 10 -

i having trouble below script. although says successful during run-time, applications still present within os. dism log files not helpful either.

# remove non-corporate apps $appslist = "microsoft.3dbuilder",`             "microsoft.advertising.xaml",`             "microsoft.messaging",`             "microsoft.microsoft3dviewer",`             "microsoft.messaging",`             "microsoft.microsoftofficehub",`             "microsoft.microsoftsolitairecollection",`             "microsoft.office.onenote",`             "microsoft.oneconnect",`             "microsoft.people",`             "microsoft.skypeapp",`             #"microsoft.storepurchaseapp",`             "microsoft.wallet",`             "microsoft.xboxapp",`             "microsoft.xboxgameoverlay",`             "microsoft.xboxidentityprovider",`             "microsoft.xboxspeechtotextoverlay",`             "microsoft.zunemusic",`             "microsoft.zunevideo",`             #"microsoft.windowsstore",`             "microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps",`             "microsoft.windowsphone",`             "microsoft.office.sway",`             "microsoft.connectivitystore",`             "microsoft.commsphone",`             "microsoft.bingfinance"  foreach ($app in $appslist){ $variable = dism /online /get-provisionedappxpackages | select-string packagename $variable2 = $variable -replace "packagename : ", "" }  $variable2| % {dism /online /remove-provisionedappxpackage /packagename:$_} 

to remove apps current user:

foreach ($app in $appslist) {     get-appxpackage -name $app | remove-appxpackage } 

to remove apps new users logging onto system use, not remove existing users:

foreach ($app in $appslist) { get-appxprovisionedpackage -online | where-object { $_.displayname -eq  $app } | remove-appxprovisionedpackage -online } 


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