rest - Incorrect properties displayed from Json -

i having issue when trying collect data json using soap ui , groovy scripting. below example json:

{     "regions": [{         "regionid": 10,         "hotels": [{                 "roominformation": [{                     "hotelroomid": 1,                     "availablerooms": 1,                     "roomprice": 100,                     "occupancysequenceorder": 1,                     "providerroomid": 1,                     "isextranet": true                 }],                 "regionid": 1,                 "hotelid": 1,                 "boardtypeid": 1,                 "startdate": "2017-10-23t00:00:00",                 "enddate": "2017-10-30t00:00:00",                 "totalprice": 1000,                 "providerinformation": {                     "hotelspecialofferdetails": [],                     "rateplancode": "xxx",                     "allavailableresults": []                 },                 "providerhotelid": 25             },              {                 "roominformation": [{                     "hotelroomid": 1,                     "availablerooms": 1,                     "roomprice": 100,                     "occupancysequenceorder": 1,                     "providerroomid": 1,                     "isextranet": true                 }],                 "regionid": 1,                 "hotelid": 1,                 "boardtypeid": 1,                 "startdate": "2017-10-23t00:00:00",                 "enddate": "2017-10-30t00:00:00",                 "totalprice": 1000,                 "providerinformation": {                     "hotelspecialofferdetails": [],                     "rateplancode": "ggg",                     "allavailableresults": []                 },                 "providerhotelid": 31             }         ],         "errors": null     }],     "errors": null } 

what want select first instance of providerhotelid , rateplancode. have groovy script below tackle this:

def alert = import groovy.json.jsonslurper def response = testrunner.testcase.getteststepbyname("search region").getproperty("response").getvalue();  def jsonres = new jsonslurper().parsetext(response);  def providerhotelid =[0].tostring() def rateplancode =[0].rateplancode.tostring() providerhotelid  testrunner.testcase.setpropertyvalue('providerhotelid', providerhotelid) testrunner.testcase.setpropertyvalue('rateplancode', rateplancode)  

this outputs below in custom properties:

  • providerhotelid - [25,31]
  • rateplancode - [xxx]

the above incorrect because:

  1. providerhotelid - displays provider hotel ids when want first 1 should 25.
  2. rateplancode - correct displays [] around , want removed. same goes providerhotelid.

so example custom properties should display:

  • providerhotelid - 25
  • rateplancode - xxx

how can achieved within groovy script?

here need:

//get values, falatten them , first 1 def providerhotelid =[0] def rateplancode =[0] providerhotelid rateplancode 

you can try online demo


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